Mariana Fernandes Conrado
OAB SP - Nº 330809
Expertise: Credit Restructuring, Reorganization and Insolvency Procedures, Litigation
Professional Experience
Mariana Fernandes Conrado joined the Firm in 2010 and became associate in 2013 to work in the Dispute Resolution Practice Group. Experienced with civil / commercial litigation and consulting, especially cases involving contract, commercial and corporate law, insolvency and bankruptcy in general (including restructuring). Acts in pre-litigation and transactional consulting in order to avoid or mitigate risks of litigation, involving the acquisition of distressed assets in insolvency procedures and related to measures to be taken under a scenario of insolvency procedures. She has attended several courses involving bankruptcy and judicial reorganization procedures.
Academic Background
Graduated in 2012 from the Law School of Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP) and she is studying to obtain a Master Degree in Commercial Law by University of Lisbon – Portugal.
Activities outside the office
Mrs. Conrado is the representative of Trench Rossi Watanabe in the Turnaround Management Association in Brazil (TMA-Brasil).
Author/co-author of several books/articles, such as:
- The international sale of goods and Brazil (“A venda internacional de mercadorias e o Brasil”), 2015. Available at:
- https://www.jota.info/paywall?redirect_to=//www.jota.info/opiniao-e-analise/artigos/coluna-do-trench-rossi-as-novas-regras-para-venda-internacional-de-mercadorias-e-o-brasil-30102015
- (in co-authorship with Giuliana Bonanno Schunck);
- Concept of Political Refugee and its Implications in the Brazilian Legal System (“Conceito de Refugiado Político e suas Implicações no Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro”), 2012 (in co-authorship with Mariana Quintanilha de Almeida)
- Doing Business 2010: Reforming through Difficult Times – Comparing Regulation in 183 Economies, The World Bank, IFC and Palgrave MacMillan: 2010. (co-author).
Portuguese and english.