

Ética, compliance e investigações

CGU and OECD launch the Federal Public Service Values project


E-Alert Compliance | CGU e OCDE lançam o projeto Valores do Serviço Público Federal

On Tuesday, October 6, the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) launched with the support of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) the project “Values ​​of the Federal Public Service”, whose main objective is to define in a collaborative manner the values ​​of the Federal Public Administration in light of the OECD Guide on Public Integrity, bringing together public and private sectors and society to participate in the project.
The project will be divided into stages in which the first will be collecting ​​from all federal public servants their concept of relevant values – the stage will be carried out between the 12th and 13th of October. Then, the values indicated by them will be selected and evaluated by representatives from the private sector and civil society. This initiative seeks to understand the concepts of values within the Public Administration to reflect such values ​​in personal development, work routines, competencies and organizational environment. Based on the choices, actions to promote such values ​​will be developed.
These values, according to Minister Wagner Rosário, should assist public servants in their decision making, aiming to foster integrity and efficiency within the Public Administration activities, in addition to increasing society’s trust in the Government.
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