

Rio de Janeiro publishes Law that adhere to CONFAZ Convention No. 03/18 – REPETRO INDUSTRIALIZAÇÃO

After the approval by the Legislative Assembly on June 10, 2020, the Rio de Janeiro State Governor signed Law # 8.890/20, incorporating CONFAZ ICMS Agreement (“Convenio”) # 03/18, as amended by CONFAZ ICMS Agreement (“Convênio”) # 220/19, into local law.
The Law was published on June 15, 2020, entering into force immediately, and producing effects until December 31, 2040.
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Trench Rossi Watanabe
São Paulo
Rua Arq. Olavo Redig de Campos, 105
31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
Torre A | O4711-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Rio de Janeiro
Rua Lauro Muller, 116 - Conj. 2802
Ed. Rio Sul Center | 22290-906
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

Saf/s Quadra 02 - Lote 04 - Sala 203
Ed. Comercial Via Esplanada | 70070-600
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil

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Av. Soledade, 550
Cj. 403 e 404 | 90470-340
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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